“You Bet Your Garden” touted as an hour of ”chemical-free horticultural hijinks,” is a weekly, nationally syndicated broadcast hosted by Mike McGrath. It is produced in the studios of PBS39 in Bethlehem, PA. This weekly call-in program offers ‘fiercely organic’ advice to gardeners far and wide.
Friday Sep 27, 2019
A Fresh Look At: Got ivy growing up your trees?
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
On this 'fresh look' episode of You Bet Your Garden, Mike McGrath tells us why ivy growing up a tree may or may not be a reason insurance companies could cancel a policy. Plus, Adrian Higgins from the Washington Post talks with us about why Bradford Pear trees might be the worst tree of all time and, as always, an extra heaping helping of your phone calls.
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