“You Bet Your Garden” touted as an hour of ”chemical-free horticultural hijinks,” is a weekly, nationally syndicated broadcast hosted by Mike McGrath. It is produced in the studios of PBS39 in Bethlehem, PA. This weekly call-in program offers ‘fiercely organic’ advice to gardeners far and wide.
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Are evil squirrels eating your tomatoes & tree fruits?
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
On this episode of You Bet Your Garden, host Mike McGrath reveals several ways you can try and stop those “long-tailed servants of Satan” before they get to your plants. We also talk to a researcher from the Smithsonian who explains the connection between dangerously bitter squash and wooly mammoths! And, as always, we take your phone call questions!
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